Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lego Sequencer

This is an instrument that blows my mind. I have no idea how this works!
It's a sequencer based on lego blocks. A sequencer is a software or hardware that triggers sounds in a controlled way, such that you can create beats and sounds. It's a vital part of electronic music. (for more on sequencers, go to the wikipedia page here.

What makes this one special is the way that the lego's ability to build on top of each other is utilized. To make this clearer, watch the video below of a more standard sequencer first:

As you can see, the balls are used to indicate when and what sounds are triggered. It's quite straight forward.

Now imagine balancing other balls on top of those balls... or balancing bigger balls that cross over different slots all at once.

The lego sequencer lets you do that... and is programmed to change sounds accordingly. I have NO clue what changes it makes when you build on top of other blocks, but it does something. Furthermore, the colours also make a difference in the sound as well.

It's like sequencing with another dimension! Blows my mind.

For more information on the artist/designer of this sequencer, check out Yoshi Akai's website here.

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