Friday, May 13, 2011

Interactive, Web-based Music Video for 3 Dreams of Black

Remember the Arcade Fire Google Chrome Video that I talked about a few months ago? It utilized the new HTML 5 standard and combined it with google maps - to create a personalized music video based on your location. Very neat stuff.

Today's post is something that further pushes the envelope with "web-based" music videos...and it's really awesome (it's brought together by Chris Milk, the same people who did the Arcade Fire vid).

"3 Dreams of Black" is a track from the concept album "ROME" by Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi. The album features Norah Jones and Jack White and will be released some time in the near future. In the mean time, they've released a really neat promo video that is designed specifically for viewing through a web browser. In fact, much like the Arcade Fire video, you can ONLY watch it online, using google chrome. But boy is it cool.

It's so interactive that it feels like a video game - you can change the view point, and guide the animals as they morph and interact with the environment. In fact in many ways it's closer to a video game, because many of the elements are rendered live (if you don't know what that means, it just means your computer is actually creating each frame, instead of just playing each frame).

What's more, you can also create your own animals/creatures to appear - and some of them will even automatically appear in other people's viewing experience. It's not just interactive, it also connects viewers to each other!

See the actual video at

See the behind the scenes video here:

What do you think?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

CD case/Circuit Board/Instrument

This is really neat...again, like many others like this, it is extremely gimmicky - but the gimmick is so cool that I would buy it.

Check it out - it's CD case that is also an instrument/circuit board that you can play!

While I suspect that this is expensive to make and difficult to create, I think it would be fairly easy to do a non-electric instrument - say, an integrated kazoo - and it would instantly add value to the fan.

Would you buy something like this, just because it's cool?