Friday, March 18, 2011

a documentary about the crybaby wah-wah pedal

Chances are, if you're not a guitarist you won't know what a phaser, tremolo, flanger, and other effects pedals do.  Knowledge about product names such as Big Muff, Memory Man, Fuzz Face... even less likely so.

But if you know any guitar effect pedal, chances are it's the wah-wah... and more specifically, the crybaby wahwah pedal.  It's what makes Voodoo Child sound so psychedelic. It's what enables the wakawaka 70's funk/porno effect. It's everywhere, it's fun... and heck, it's the first guitar pedal I ever bought!

The crybaby is to wahwah what kleenex is to tissue paper - the ubiquitous, original product.  There is a fun little documentary about the crybaby that is circulating the internet right now, that you should definitely check out, if you're a fan of any music that has any electric guitars in them:

Cry Baby: The Pedal That Rocks The World from Joey Tosi on Vimeo.

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