Monday, December 22, 2008

Bitchslap that Jazz, Funk, Metal and Electronica!


...and a whole bunch of feedback, with a double bass pedal constantly being pounded. Heavy guitars and long hair, and you've got yourself death metal, screamo... whatever you want to call it. Stuff in that direction *insert eye roll*.

...Or so I hear it being described by people all the time. I'm not surprised to be honest. I totally understand why it doesn't appeal to most people. After all, it's pretty damn intense, to the point where if you're not used to it... it can be overwhelming at best, comical at worst. I mean "death death deaaaath!!"???

Fine. But just suspend your distrust of heavy screamo music for one second.. and try this on for size. Trust me. You'll be pleasantly surprised (Or at least surprised).

Today's piece is from Slipknot (heavy metal/death metal purists will probably object, and that's fine. They should listen to this too.) Yes. Those dudes who dress in jumpsuits and masks. Let your ears do the judging .. because this piece exemplifies the technical knowledge and abilities that are inherent in bands of this genre. There are several styles covered in the song, seemingly unrelated to each section, but THAT is what makes it so interesting. Why? Pay attention to the bassline between the different styles: it's basically the same theme, with different embellishments..but you can't tell that very easily, because they play the variations within each style SO well. Heavy metal? Check. Jazz? Check. Funk? Check. Electronica? Check. To pull this off is one heck of an amazing feat... and a highly interesting musical oddity. It may not move you emotionally, but it's one piece that definitely needs to be heard at least once (the whole thing!). ...and during the journey you might just catch a glimpse of why screamo can work...

Slipknot - Do Nothing/Bitchslap

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